BenchSci SHOW UP Leadership Principles

Leadership at a company plays a vital role in creating an inspiring, motivating, inclusive culture, where everyone feels valued both as employees and people. At BenchSci, no matter our role or title, we’re all committed to living our Leadership Principles every day. These principles define how we approach every new idea, project, and initiative, and how we work together as a team.

Scientific Approach_Icon
Scientific Approach
A leader takes risks, tests hypotheses, and iterates by grounding decisions in data, failing fast, and learning from the results. They are not afraid of making decisions quickly to avoid analysis paralysis, as long as they adapt.
A leader has two jobs: taking care of the task at hand, and taking care of their people. This means making sure their team feels seen, recognized, and appreciated as unique individuals, while simultaneously making sure the work that needs to be done is completed with a high level of integrity
A leader comes from a place of curiosity and trust.They share important context and reflect on the way words, actions, and approaches are received. They model vulnerability by inviting and welcoming feedback from their team and colleagues, and enable their team’s development by sharing direct and clear feedback.
Win As We
A leader helps ensure the success of their team and ultimately the company by setting a high bar, leading by example, and bringing their team together to achieve more than they thought possible. They have a holistic view that spans across teams (not just the ones they lead), ensuring end-to-end alignment and company success.
A leader checks their ego at the door, seeks to understand, and listens to their team, embracing differences and new perspectives not previously considered.
Psychological safety
A leader creates an environment where their team feels safe to speak up and share ideas, questions, concerns, and/or mistakes without fear of repercussion. They have real conversations about what is required to be effective, while also empowering their team to be brave, resilient, and rise to meet new challenges.
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